Mention the word "Exabytes", what pop up in your mind? Whether it's just a common IT term or a name with a thousand and one meanings, for us, it's more than just a name. It's our trademark, our identity, our integrity, our history and our honor to exist in this robust cyber world. Everything started with our hostkaki.com when we were just a reseller and the present CEO was the sole founder then. It was just like a jigsaw puzzles. Step by step, piece by piece, we arranged and strived to give the best service to our clients and finally in the year 2001, together with our dedicated and loyal team, Exabytes was established. We have changed our outlook as a web hosting reseller to a web hosting provider by then. Nothing came by easy, though.
Back then, we only had around a group of five staff consisting the CEO, the customer service and technical department. Together, they had to work round the clock to achieve our mission and our values. Arranging jigsaw puzzles has never been easy, right? Trial and error was the gist of our success. We had gone through ups and downs, and most importantly, our utmost mission was to make sure we had provided the best to our clients, ensuring that we did not make mistakes all the way, although at times, it was unavoidable. But, we learnt each time we made one and making sure it will not happen in future.